Overnight stops along the route

Overnight stops along the route
Click on image for interactive Google Map

Saturday, February 20, 2016

iPhone app test

Today I'm trying a new app from my phone to hopefully allow us to post, including photos, from our phones. We'll probably be bringing our kindles for reading during downtimes but we're definitely trying to keep our load down to a minimum which means no computers!!

Here is a photo of the bike I'll be riding to the Outer Banks with a recently added handlebar bag.

We'll be using bike maps especially made for cross country riding and I wanted a place to keep the map handy for reading without having to stop, find, unfold, fold, etc. The clear pouch on the top of the bag will hold a map that should show us 20 to 30 miles at a time.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Beginning...

Our first blog to chronicle our cross country bike ride from Niwot, CO to Cape Hatteras, NC

Today is February 18, 2016 and we have just over two months until Angela and I begin our adventure.  We've never done anything like this before.  Yes, we've been on bike trips for up to 8 days on the Katy Trail last October, or Ride the Rockies back in the summer of 2014 but never have we spent over 50 days traveling over 2,500 miles by bike.  But, we've never been unemployed either so there's all kinds of new things going on!

This blog is primarily an attempt for us to keep our friends and family aware of our trip in a passive way.  That is, rather than blast out text messages that could become annoying, our hope is we can use blogging as a way to let them know we've made a post and then they can investigate at their leisure.  It's also an attempt for me, Scott, to put my baby toe in the social fabric of internet media.

As we're just learning to use Blogger, we'll practice posting over the next couple of months and hopefully hone our blogging and techology skills before we start our adventure.  Please forgive in advance our mistakes as I expect there will be many!

Scott & Angela Brand