Strasburg to Limon, CO
The weather and wind gods smiled on us today!
Oops. Someone dropped their water bottle on this mostly barren stretch of Old US 40 that parallels I-70. Great sunrise and blue skies heading southeast.
We skirted I-70 on side roads most of the day.
When the side roads that showed on my 2012 CO map turned to gravel and then a goat trail we contemplated riding on the interstate. Here Angela has found a way to hack on to the highway where the fence had a gap. We decided to backtrack a bit instead to Agate, one of the many small towns struggling and losing the battle to survive we've seen so far.
About 8 miles after Agate on I-70, very little traffic, a wide and smooth breakdown lane and some halfway decent tailwinds. We actually had to climb back up to 5800 ft. elevation before decending down to 5200 in Limon. I thought we were heading to sea level!
Home away from home at the Safari Inn by 3pm. Now showers, rest, site see Limon and steaks at the Southside Restaurant across the street.
Tomorrow could be a tough day heading 76 miles straight south to Ordway, CO. We're looking at a 6am start to try to beat any headwinds that often come strong from the south. Wish us luck.
Thanks for today's update. Hope you have a good day tomorrow.