We both had a great nights sleep last night which hasn't been the case so far. Maybe it was all of the Chineese we had for dinner!?
Angela enjoying snuggling on the couch on a cool morning reading and keeping up with Facebook. Today is her day, it's her birthday!
Taking a late morning stroll down Main St. You can see the Amtrak station in the background. We found out later in the day that the wind forecast for tomorrow is 15-20 mph from the east, the direction we have to head and the direction it has yet to blow from so far on our trip. We joked about taking the Amtrak east to someplace where the wind doesn't blow so much. 👎
Ironically it is strong and from the NW today which would have been nice for us tomorrow. Let's hope the forecast is wrong.
Did you know coffee shops use CO2 cartridges? Since my flat the first day I've been running lower pressure in my rear tire because my pump has limited capacity. I could use the CO2 cartridges I brought to get the pressure up and reduce my rolling resistance but one of the CO2 cartridge dispensers quit working and the other one I have only uses unthreaded cartridges. No bike shops within 120 miles so tapped into the Lamar network and found a HD bike pump at a place called Healthy Places, volunteers trying to promote healthy lifestyles like biking. Renee and Rachael at Healthy Places in turn called the local coffee shop, The Brew 2, where Rachael gave me one from the supply they use to dispense the whip cream. Unfortunately it's too short but in a pinch I can shove something in first to make it tall enough to be punctured by the valve top when screwed on. I got a nice latte too.
While all of the small towns we've seen so far, and often rely on for support, are struggling, the people have been wonderful, extremely kind and helpful. 💪
Almost half way across Kansas - nice. Let me know if you still plan to stop in Ottawa I'll come down for dinner or breakfast.