At lunch yesterday we met a woman about our age named Bev. She told us she road the Bike Centenial in 1976 from Portland to Yorktown,VA. This is the route now called the TransAm route, the same route that Angela, John and I road our bikes on to the Outer Banks. We saw Bev again at the finish line yesterday which was a fast day for us. Bev is one of over 100 riders who ride our MS150 that have MS, truly amazing. If you haven't given yet, please do so.
Outer Banks, NC by Bike
Scott and Angela's bike adventure from Niwot, CO to Buxton, Outer Banks, NC
Sunday, June 26, 2016
MS150 Day 2. Westminster, CO
Saturday, June 25, 2016
MS150 Day 1. Ft. Collins, CO
If you've forgotten or not gotten around to making a donation it's not too late to donate now to support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society at my personal donor page at this link:
So far thanks to some great friends and supporters I've raised $2,450 and still hope to get to my $5,000 goal with your help.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Day 51. Rochdale Reunion. Buxton, Outer Banks, NC
Leaving Ocracoke around 9am and riding ENE with the help of a strong and steady tailwind, catching the Hatteras ferry and finishing our ride into Buxton around 1pm.
Waiting for the Hatteras ferry we say our good byes to James. He's headed back to the ferry terminal in Ocracoke to meet up with Wendy for the weekend further north on the Outer Banks. Good bye James and thanks for the bike tour of North Carolina!
For some who are geographically challenged like me I've added this view of the Outer Banks, our location on Buxton, and North Carolina to the west. To me it's amazing that the sea hasn't washed away this tiny slip of land. Thankfully, it's still here or we wouldn't have had a place to ride our bikes to!
Now that James is gone, Angela can feed the sea gulls. You'll have to ask James about his thoughts on feeding sea gulls and other birds. I can tell you simply, it is not supportive. 🐦
We have arrived, Buxton, NC!!
We have finally found and waded in the big water.
And here we all are, the hardcore, resilient and stubbornly still connected as friends, the representives of the pledge classes of 1976 and 1977. From left to right; David Chastain, Carolyn Kerchner, Jim Phillips, Mike Kerchner, Charles & Julie Knott, Teresa Doutlick, Tom West, Mark Doutlick, Sue Ann West, Geoff Newman, David Bonitz, Joanie Hammonds, John Crofts, Barry Foxworthy, Angela & Scott Brand. Missing from the photo, Suzie Sneider (just sprained her ankle and icing it), Tim Williams (arriving today) and Jim Payne (called back to Orlando to cover the horrific shooting at the night club).
I could do a whole blog on this cast of characters for years. Let it suffice to say that they are all unique and interesting characters and it's my great pleasure to still be their friend 40 years later. I hope to see it continue.
Now to relax, rest, reconnect with my old friends until the next big adventure.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Day 50. The Outer Banks!! Ocracoke, NC
Gathering our bikes and assembling our gear before departing Belhaven.
Riding a tight formation into Swan Quarter.
Here we go, the last to get on the ferry are those on only two wheels.
On our way to Ocracoke, our bikes leaning precariously on the webbing at the stern of the ferry as we churn across the sound.
Time out on the stern of the ferry to listen to music and contemplate our adventure. Today was a big day for me, 50 days after starting on April 23, 2,500 miles later, I feel satisfied, happy, and at peace. Today is essentially the end of our trip with only a 30 mile ride to Buxton to meet my Rochdale House brothers from 40 years ago tomorrow. Finishing this challenging trip, enjoying it so much, sharing it with my wife and many old and new friends as well as complete strangers along the way has been very fulfilling. Crossing the Pamlico Sound on the ferry today wasn't necessarily transformative like I expected crossing the Mississippi River on Day 21 to be, but it was a sort of a check point for my life. At 58 years old a lot of things have been going on the last few years: Seeing my daughter, Michelle, and son, Ryan, marry the loves of there lives, Adam and Mattie, our first grandson, Graham, born 20 months ago to Michelle and Adam with their next son due in less than a month, quitting corporate America last September after 33 years, celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary May 9th, during this bike tour and also reconnecting with old friends like my Purdue buddies, and today, last but not insignificant, completing this 50 day bike adventure from Niwot, CO to the Outer Banks of North Carolina! It all reinforces something Angela and I often tell each other, that we are truly blessed and fortunate people, to have lived the life that we have lived.
Dinner on the docks by the sea surrounded by all the charter fishing boats. We have finally found the big water we've been searching for!!
Friday, June 10, 2016
Day 49. In search of big water. Belhaven, NC
Mostly a flat topography that we road through today with the majority of it in agricultural use , the remainder wooded.
Apparently Belhaven is famous for its crabs too. This one in front of the town library.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Day 48. Down day in Greenville, NC
I had a similar issue on my road bike in the past and the creaking sound ended up coming from my bike shoe. I tried tightening the clips, greasing them, etc. and it wasn't until I got a new pair of shoes that it went away. So we tried lubricating Angela'a SPD clips, changing them, even having her try my shoes or borrow a new pair of pedals from James. In the end, after trying what I could do myself the local bike shop that James rides with replaced the bottom bracket pedal bearings (where the pedal crank attaches to the frame). A bit disappointed that Angela's REI Randonee bike which is less than a year old and had less than 3,000 miles on it needs new bearings but the bike technician wasn't too surprised. In any case, $95 and 6 hours later we had the problem solved!!
I found this BikeMS Carolinas brochure at the bike store. They have their event in September. Don't forget to support mine on June 25-26th after I return home from this trip by clicking on
While Angela subjected herself to a 90 minute massage (including her stomach 😱 ) us boys had lunch at one of James' favorite places in Greenville, Christy's Euro Pub. We had tried to have dinner there the night before but it was too packed. Lunch time today was a very comfortable crowd and eating on the patio was perfect.
I'm almost half way to my goal of $5,000!
Tweaking and inspecting our bikes on James' deck today, nothing as major or difficult as Angela's bike. Both mine and John's bikes are holding up well including the tires and chains. I also went around and tightened up some loose nuts, unfortunately I missed the nut on the left in this picture. 😀
James cooked us an excellent shrimp boil for dinner with potatoes, corn, sausage and of course shrimp. Wendy and her lovely daughter Olivia joined us. John took care of the appetiters with his personal trademark and now famous salami, cheese, and apple slices on a hard brown cracker plus hummus and pita chips. We also had margaritas on the rocks. 🍸
Thanks to James for his hospitality and support touring through parts of Virginia and North Carolina as well as the tour of Greenville and Eastern N. Carolina University today. It's a great town and college and was an enjoyable and productive day off. Tomorrow we get back on our bikes and head east towards the Arlantic and the Outer Banks. Just three more days of riding and the cross country cycling part of our adventure will be over!👍
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