Leaving at 8am and arriving in Greenville, NC about 4:30 at James' house. We had sunny skies with a few clouds and cooler temps with a high in the 80's with less humidity for a change. We also had some stiff breezes from the southwest and west that played a role in our adventure today. 💨

Our departure photo before we start navigating our Turn by Turn route James had prepared for our ride to Greenville, NC.

Our first stop in Aulander after 25 miles. At this point we had already missed a turn that had added about 6 miles to our route. The turn by turn directions stood alone (no overview map for reference) and in many cases we were making turns in less than a couple or tenths of a mile. For instance today's route had 36 directions for a 67 mile trip. We only had this convenience mart as our choice for sustanence so it was chocolate milk and packaged baked snacks. And yes, John had his coffee too!

We had been looking for tobacco growing since we were in middle-Kentucky but had yet to see any among the roads we have ridden. After looking at so much corn growing along the roads we finally start seeing some tobacco. It even smelled like tobacco as we road by.

We also found a lot of lavender growing today in the fields of North Carolina. It too had a unique identifying aroma and was beautiful to look at.

Hamilton was our next rest stop and the next missed turn situation we had. At this point we had not had a break in a while and we're getting a bit desperate for a little respite from the sun. All we found here was a shut down store, some shade and a coke machine. We would try and make do.

Let it be known that the coke machine at this vacant corner store worked for James and I but Angela lost 2 bucks trying to get her Fanta as did another gentleman going for a Dr. Pepper for his pregnant wife. We warned him too! Angela called the phone number to complain and get a refund but they pretended they couldn't hear her. She is not finished with the matter!!! Never buy a soft drink from this machine!!!

They guy who wanted the Dr. Pepper told us we could find the only place open in town for food or drinks about a half a mile down the road. Here we find a sliver of shade and some cold drinks and snacks served by real people.

John celebrates a milestone for him and his Rivendale bike, 20,000 miles at this point, for a bike he's had only 6 years. I know guys that don't put that many miles on their motorcycles!🏍

Proof of his milestone. congratulations! John is a true bike rider including commuting to work and errands around Columbus, IN area near where he lives as well as several over night rides before this one.

Finally enjoying some time on James' back deck after showers. Wendy, James' girlfriend and also a bike rider, joins us for beers and dinner later in the evening. In the end , what should have been no more than a 70 mile ride turned out to be an 84 miler. See if you can find the "oops" spots on our route at the top of the post. We still made good time today so alls well that ends well. 🍻
Post is a 10 again.