Departing Love, VA at 9:30am with arrival at the Cavalier Inn in Charlottesville, VA by 5:00. Easy riding today in clear, early summer weather taking in all the stops and activities John might like!

After a lazy morning of coffee with no breakfast (no stores or restaurants for miles) we finally figured out the sooner we started the faster we could get something to eat. Our "luxury" cabin is the one on the far left. Very cozy for John and I plus all the bugs that wanted to join us. 🐜

Out first 16 miles were all on the Blue Ridge Parkway heading towards Rockfish Gap near Waynesboro and I-64. If you haven't been on this wonderful road built back in the 30's by the post depression era Conservation Corp (CCC) you should do it when you get a chance and take your time!! It's a great road with wonderful scenery and for our two days on it, very light and slow moving traffic.

As today was dubbed "John's Day" by me, we stopped more frequently to take in the beautiful views like this one looking towards the Piedmont hills and the Atlantic Coastal Plains further to the east. John likes taking pictures even more than I do.

John really enjoys history, tools and how things are/were done. When you combine them you have this picture of a park employee rebuilding a fence at a Blue Ridge visitor center that was focused on the life style of the Appalachian inhabitants back in the early 1900's. This craftsman was hewing ash limbs into staves to repair a wooden fence at the center, using hand tools. John got some ideas for his fence project at home.

One thing about the Parkway is there is virtually no commercial enterprises which meant we couldn't get our breakfast until we got back on local roads. Unfortunately the only nearby eatery was this popcorn trailer which also sold hotdogs. While this wasn't a John's Day wish list item it had to do for some food to keeping us going. John is waiting here for his Jumbo Hot Dog and Fries. Not a good eating day so far!!🌭

After about 30 miles on steep and narrow backroads and still no food other than our hot dogs, we find a fruit farm with a store. You could buy a whole quart of strawberries, more than John wanted, or go pick your own. John, always looking to be value minded, a natural guy, and have the freshest good, went into the warm afternoon and in no time was cleaning his handpicked strawberries to eat. 🍓

John completed his healthy snack with ice cream. He even shares it with me! He's a happy boy now.

About 8 miles out of Charlottesville we take a rest from the busy traffic and heat of the afternoon at the Olivet Presbyterian Church. I was bonking a bit so I snarfed on some remaining Chex Mix. John went inside and they helped us to fresh, cold water and a restroom too. More helpful and friendly people being kind to us. The shade and the bench was a perfect 15 minute rest.

Not quite a special John's Day treat but I think he appreciated the rest stop too.

And finally into Charlottesville, home of the University of Virginia Cavaliers. We are staying right downtown near the campus so tomorrow on our down day we're looking forward to exploring it.

Reunited!!! Yes, that is Angela finally back to finish our ride to the Outer Banks!! She drove in from Kokomo, IN with her bike and panniers in the back of a rental car. We had a great dinner at The Villa. John and I caught her up on some of the trip details while she was absent and now she's all caught up and ready to start riding again. She'll have to wait one more day because John and I want a day off of our bikes!! It's nice to be back together again with my soulmate of over 35 years but John has been an excellent riding companion in her absence. Having my friend and pledge brother from Purdue back in 1976 by my side again has made my adventure to the Outer Banks even better.
Another great post Scott.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Angela!
You are getting close now, have a great rest of the trip!