8:15 departure with 4pm arrival in Marion, KS. Only mid-40's and cloudy when we started but warmed up by the afternoon to low 60's and the sun actually started to show itself after what seems like at least a week since we last really felt its presence. ☀️

Since Lamar, CO our route has been following the Old Sante Fe Trail. We've been stopping at many of the historical markers along the way. At this point the OSFT is turning to the NE while we'll be continuing mostly east. At this point of the day we are about 20 miles from our overnight stopover in Marion. Good bye Sante Fe trail!

As our speed held up well today we took advantage of the nicer weather in the afternoon and took more enjoyable rest stops. We found these sheds in the middle of no where off of US 56, with nice green grass and far enough off the road to give is a bit of silence from the traffic noise. This shed had a porch and the door was unlocked. It wa actually very cozy inside. We thought briefly about staying in it for the night but we only had a few hours to go to Marion so we just enjoyed the porch for 15 minutes or so.

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